OK folks. You saw my Ram dually (aka Big Meat), now it's time to say hello to my little friend! Sweet Jorge's Hemi Maddness. 2004 Ram 1500
This is also a proud member of Team JBL Anyways, here's a shot of the dash>
Head unit, Sony C90 relocated to lower dash actually a part of the new subwoofer console top. Can you see the sub viewing window? The console in this truck is a 1 cub sealed down-throw for a JBL gto10DVC, the enclosure is built so the armrest remains at stock height, so the box had to extend forward almost to the dash. Cupholders were removed and molded into console top. Factory dash was re-molded with A/C controls moved downward and a 8.4" monitor molded into uppermost location. THis monitor provides DVD viewing (DVD player underseat) as well as Sony heads-up display for track, elapsed play time, volume, disc and song titles, etc.
Can you see the pillars and dash top??? There are JBL mids up there mounted in similar fashion as my mids with a partial grill over the dash on either side covering them completely. THe pillars feature Infinity Titanium home tweeter with custom waveguides covered in similar grill cloth.
Here's a closer view of the dash area>>
and here's a shot showing the subwoofer through it's plexi view window>>
But Steve, isnt this an all-active 4 way truck ??? Why yes it is folks, and we do have midbasses...in Aperiodic kicks vented through the floor. THese are the JBL Pro-audio 8 ohm monitors running off a bridged 300.4 in two channel mode. Here's a pic>>>
These are the same drivers Alma Gates and Mark Eldridge used for midbass. AWESOME midbass from these puppies...we couldnt be happier. And speaking of amps, the tweets and mids are running off a pair of JBL PX600.2 amps, one amp for left tweet and mid, one amp for right tweet and mid. The reason for dedicated amps for each side is to MAXIMIZE channel separation (recall our DLS A3 discussion THe 10 in the console is run in 4 ohm mono by another PX600.2.
I need to get a few pics of the overhead plexi amp rack holding the 4.300 and one of the 600.2's, so we'll hold off on discussing that amp rack.
Here's a shot of what resides underneath the back seats>>
There, you will find spare drivers and phoney spare passive ( ), fuse distro for overhead amps, and the Sony XDP-4000X processor. These are mounted on a interior-matching suede trim board on painted plexi inserts.
Thats a overview shot of what the bed looks like under the bedcover...WOW! OK, to start, that mural is actually a laser-etched 3/4" Plexi view window for the subs, it is illuminated with color-changing LEDs and is the dope show. You need to see it in person to believe it. The subs are JBL GTi 15s in a LARGE series-tuned bandpass. Remember the sub box I hid in the bed of Big Meat and how I used accordian boot to seal the cab and the box??? Well, Jorge's enclosure only has a single port passing into the cab, and it too is sealed with an accordian boot. The rear chamber is ported into the front chamber, and the front chamber plays into the cab thru another port. 9dB gain over sealed box!!!! Rear is tuned to 28Hz, front to 60Hz.
Each 15 has it's own Crown BPX1100.1 amp on it. Like Bigmeat, it can hit SPL cap pretty easily.
Hey I found a pic of the overhead amp rack, here it is, with 1F cap in center for 600.2 running the GTO sub>>>
This amprack is held up by hidden posts welded to 1/4" steel bars I bolted to the roof frame. THe posts hang down and the plexi bolts up to them. THe amps mount to the plexi, and the piece is also illuminated.
Madness also features a 250A alternator, dual Optima Yellows, one of which is located in a custom welded rack under the bed, neons, LED bars, etc etc. Also, each frent headrest has a 7" monitor molded into it, interior was redone in black suede/blue leather with flame designs. Jorge put a ton of work into this truck (well, he put MONEY in, I put work LOL) and this is your 2005 Rookie World Champion folks.
Any questions?
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